There are essential things that we have to buy every month. Essentials like cooking oil, toilet paper, rice, body wash and more. Savings on essential purchases means constant monthly savings. Discover how you can constantly save money on Monthly Essentials with Price Tracker SG.
With Price Tracker SG, Search for the essential items that you usually have to buy, across various trusted online shopping platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, Amazon and Qoo10.
From the Displayed Search Results, Compare the items prices from different sellers across different shopping platforms.
Select the items you want to Track prices and receive app notifications whenever the items prices drop. You will be able to see the current and previous pricing of the price dropped item to better make your buying decision.
As long as the items are in your track item list, Price Tracker SG will constantly monitor and track the items prices.
Throughout the month, you can make your purchases whenever the items price drop. In this way, you will not miss out on any price drop deals and will enjoy greater savings for your essentials purchases.
No Android Device? No Worries !!
Start using Price Tracker SG Website Version Shopee Price Tracker today to Track the items Price Drop you want to buy from Shopee, Lazada, Amazon and Qoo10.
Provide your Email address to receive Price Drop Email Notifications whenever your tracked items price drop.
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Download from Google Store Today and Start Saving !!
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